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What You Can Expect: Maintenance Call or Service Call

A technician is repring a standby generator


Generators, like any machine, will break down over time. That’s where repair services like Ronnie’s Generator Service Ltd come in. We provide generator service and maintenance in Toronto and all over Ontario, whether it’s your main source of power or a rarely used backup.


However, you might ask yourself: What is the difference between a generator service call or a generator maintenance call? Our blog explores these two options and which one you should choose.


What Are Service Calls?

A service call is a one-time service visit for generator service or repair that we provide whenever you have a problem or breakdown that needs to be addressed.


If your generator has a problem, perhaps it has stopped working entirely, that’s when you’re looking at calling Ronnie’s Generator Service for a service call.


What Charges Are Included in Service Calls?

When you request a service call, of course you are required to pay for it. You’ll need to pay for the trip charge (per km), regardless of what steps you take afterwards. Service call fees can vary depending on a variety of factors. Please note that this service call fee does not cover labour or materials/parts costs.


The technician will come to your location and diagnose the problem with your unit. Then they’ll make a recommendation based on their observations on whether you can repair it or should seek a replacement instead.


Whether you choose to proceed with the technician’s recommendation on repair or replacement or even if you choose to do nothing, you will still need to pay a fee for performing the diagnostic.


Generator Maintenance

Regular maintenance is very important for generators. Especially during heavy use, generators see a lot of wear and tear, which leads to parts breaking down quickly. If your generator is used only for backup power, you should be scheduling regular maintenance for it as well, so you’re never surprised by a non-functional generator when you need it most.


Catching wear and tear before they lead to failure can save you a lot of money in the long run. That’s where our Generator Maintenance Contract can provide you with an advantage.


The benefits of regular generator maintenance include:

·       No overtime charges

·       Savings on repairs and service fees

·       Increased efficiency

·       No more being caught in the dark


Contact Ronnie’s Generator Service in Toronto

Ronnie’s Generator Service is the go-to company for generator service and repair in Toronto. We provide generator maintenance services for industrial, commercial, and residential customers alike throughout Toronto and Ontario. Our maintenance team can provide 24/7 emergency repairs, so you’re never stuck in the dark no matter what.


Our Generator Maintenance Contracts are a great way to help ensure your generator stays in good working condition, which minimizes repair fees and service calls. To enroll, please give us a call today.


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